Sticky Date Cheesecake

Sticky Date Cheesecake

It’s been quite a while since last “cheesecake update”, so this week it is time for another “representative” of my all-time favourite cake. I decided to go for a magical combination of luscious dates and smooth caramel sauce that perfectly complement silky texture of cheesecake. Continue reading

Пасха (Paskha)

Пасха (Paskha)

Served once a year during Russian Orthodox Easter, Paskha is a traditional speciality made of cottage cheese, butter, sugar and sour cream, and molded into the form of a truncated pyramid. Enjoy a lighter cream cheese version of it, molded in individual mini-forms.
Традиционно Пасха делается в форме усеченной пирамиды из творога, масла, сахара и сметаны. Ввиду приближающегося Пасхального Воскресения, я предлагаю более “легкий” вариант (из мягкого крем-сыра и сметаны) в индивидуальном исполнении. Continue reading